Documents for Suppliers


Supplier Portal

The Supplier Portal is a personalized single point of access for Sikorsky/PZL Mielec data and applications. Portal Access is restricted to active suppliers.

Web Address

Supplier Portal Help

If you don't remember your password or you have issues logging into Portal, please contact the LOCKHEED MARTIN SERVICE DESK:

Poland: +48 800 080 211

US: +1 800 435 7063

UK: +44 800 169 0450

In urgent cases contact your PZL Mielec Buyer or please email us at Supplier Portal Administrator.


SSQS - Help

In case of troubles with the inspection, please contact SSQS Help Desk using the "Create Help Desk Ticket" button after selecting the proper order and line item. Make sure in advance there is no the problem solution on the Suppliers Portal in the quality tab, link "Documents". In case of issues with the logging into the system, please contact  and / or a purchasing specialist and the SQA department.

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Below you will find the current versions of documents used in Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. w Mielcu. These documents are also mentioned in our Request for Quotations, Purchase Orders and Purchase Agreements.

Notification of Procurement Eligible for Offset Credits - F260 form


The purpose of this form is to identify potential offset credits which may be generated by a purchase order/contract resulting from solicitation.

Supplier shall complete Section A of this form and return it by email to the Buyer (PZL), if any part of the offer:

- represents $100,000 or more of international content and/or procurement from sources located outside of the U.S.

- for US suppliers: represents $500,000 or more of international content and/or procurement from sources located outside of the U.S.


In addition, Form F260 applies when:

- the value of an order increases from the original by $50,000 or more to either a U.S. or non-U.S. supplier;

- a change in the value of the order from the original reaches $100,000 or more to a non-U.S. supplier and $500,000 or more to a U.S. supplier;

- the Buyer (PZL Mielec) will be informed that the order will be used for LM offset obligations and the order increase will be at least $20,000 (applies to suppliers from U.S. and outside U.S.).

Note: Polish supplier - if 100% of the work is performed in Poland, “section A” does not apply.

File List

List of current revisions of standards for the M28

In the attached file below you can find a list of current revisions of standards for the M28. The list applies to all PZL Mielec Suppliers while execution of purchasing orders for the M28 assemblies and standard parts. Supplier is obliged to read and follow requirements in the document.

All recent revisions of standards for the M28 are available in section “Archive”.

Quality Requirements

The customers of Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. require to be provided with safe and high quality products and services what entails decisive and continuous improvement of Quality Management System. Therefore such Quality System is required from suppliers, that fulfill specified quality requirements.

The versatility of manufactured products requiring application of sophisticated manufacturing processes and liability for manufactured products impose the necessity of qualification, supervision and review of suppliers by Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. Holding a certificate conforming existence of Quality Management System does not grant automatically the approval of Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. as an approved supplier, however it has an impact on this approval. Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. evaluates and selects suppliers based on their capabilities to meet the quality requirements, however the scope and type of supervision over suppliers depend on the influence of supplied products and/or services on (execution of) production and a final product.

Quality Bulletins

Below you will find the Quality Bulletin.

FOD Requirements

FOD is any kind of contamination or a product safety hazard caused by a foreign object. To meet the requirements of our customers, expecting a safe and trouble-free product, in the Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z.o.o. Mielec has been implemented a prevention program to eliminate foreign object damage (FOD). All persons / companies who will carry out any work in our plant, are required to read a brief training, fill out a form and submit it to the Purchasing Department. Lack of signed form will prevent the supplier to work in the Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z.o.o.

ESH Requirements

All the most important requirements for suppliers are included in the document " GUIDE FOR THE SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES FOR POLSKIE ZAKŁADY LOTNICZE SP. Z O. O. " Supplier is obliged to read and follow requirements in the document.

Approved special processes suppliers

In the attached file below you can find special processes suppliers approved by Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o.

Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. requirements for payments, taxes and duties 

In the attached file below you can find our requirements. Please read the document and strictly compliance with it.

Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. requirements for invoices

Invoices should be sent in PDF format to the e-mail address:  E-mail message should include:


"INVOICE for Purchase Order No ...”

In case of sending an invoice via e-mail you are not required to transfer the original invoice by postal / courier services.

When there is no Purchase Order in place, please indicate the person ordering product or service that is in contact with you in terms of delivery.


In case of sending invoices by post / courier please use the following address:

Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o. o.
ul. Wojska Polskiego 3
39-300 Mielec

with note INVOICE.

Conflict Minerals Reporting Requirements

Please refer to Lockheed Martin Policy available on: 

Ethics Requirements for Suppliers

LM Supplier Code of Conduct, expresses the expectations we hold for our suppliers, and mirrors the standards we set for our own employees, Board of Directors, and other business associates.


Ethics Resources for Suppliers: 

Requirements on road carriage of certain goods

On May 1, 2017, provisions of Act on the Monitoring System For The Road Carriage Of Goods (consolidated text dated November 14, 2022, Journal of Laws 2023 item 104) – hereinafter: “SENT” have reached into force. SENT imposes on the entrepreneurs buying, selling, or trasporting by the road or by train (hereinafter “Covered Entities”) certain kind of goods (i.a. oils, lubricating preparations, petroleum oils, fuel oils or alcohol – hereinafter “Goods”) specific obligations when the carriage is performed on a public road or by a train. Provisions of the SENT require from the Covered Entities reporting and monitoring every Goods carriage until its delivery to the end user. Any and all activities relating to SENT requirements (including but not limited to: registration of a carriage, obtainment of an individual carriage number and transfer of such the number to a carrier before the carriage commencement) have to be done in a special governmental electronic system called PUESC.

Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter “PZL”) is strongly engaged in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that every domestic or international PZL’s Supplier performing deliveries of the Goods to PZL is aware of its obligations and penalties resulting from SENT requirements. PZL hereby oblige every Supplier to establish and maintain a processes in purpose to identify the Goods in delivered to PZL commodities and require from the Suppliers undertaking any necessary actions to ensure compliance with the SENT requirements. In purpose of the foregoing, every Supplier is obliged to include in a submitted offer information whether the commodities that are to be delivered to PZL contain Goods. However, every Supplier performing transportation services for PZL, is obliged to provide any required information in the PUESC system, as well as transfer of the carriage number to end user of Goods (if required by SENT).


Personal data protection – GDPR

Additional terms and conditions related to the protection of personal data in Requests for quotation / Purchase orders can be found in the enclosed document.


Archival documents.

File List