
Black Hawk helicopter manufactured at PZL Mielec attended NATO medical exercises

17 May 2024
Black Hawk helicopter from the fleet of the Romanian General Aviation Inspectorate (IGAv) participated in NATO's Vigorous Warrior military medical exercise in Hungary. Helicopter manufactured at PZL Mielec, was one of the highlights of the exercise.

Seven new-generation S-70 Black Hawk multi-role helicopters were delivered to Romania's General Aviation Inspectorate (IGAv) in 2023.

The cabin of the helicopters, both the land and sea versions, feature medical equipment designed and delivered with DELTAMED, a Cluj-Napoca-based integrator of emergency vehicles adapted for patient care and rescue. - The Black Hawk helicopters delivered to Romania are the first helicopters manufactured at PZL Mielec in a medical configuration, making them suitable for a wide range of tasks. This is proven by their participation in NATO Vigorous Warrior manoeuvres,said Janusz Zakręcki, PZL President, General Director.

Romania's Black Hawk helicopters can perform search and rescue missions at sea and on land, extinguish fires, transport people and equipment, and provide emergency medical support.

Vigorous Warrior is NATO's largest medical exercise. More than 1,600 military medical experts from 27 NATO countries and several partner countries took part in this year's edition. The manoeuvres are organised by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) in consultation with the host country every two years.

This year's Vigorous Warrior was held in conjunction with the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Clean Care exercises. Dozens of medical units and treatment facilities were used for the exercise, which, according to the scenario, was designed to train in the provision of medical support for NATO's Article V operation. The manoeuvres also aim to strengthen relationships and tactics to better prepare NATO to respond to crises and unforeseen events.


Pictures of exercises can be found here: